
Which one is Best for You? Shave, Wax, or Epilate

• Pain: 0
• Cost: Fairly Cheap
• Quality/ Results: 5-8 out of 10 depending on the quality of your razor. Shaving can be a very effective way of getting rid of unwanted hair quickly for almost no cost, but the results are only short term. For those of us who are of a lighter skin tone and have darker hair, since the hair is cut from the surface instead of being extracted from the root, the remaining stubs beneath the skin are visible to the eye.

 Quick Tip:
 If you ever run out of shaving cream, hair conditioner is a great replacement. As Conditioner does for the hair on your head, it softens the hair creating an easier slicker cut when shaving. I personally prefer using a cheap hair conditioner (can also be used for co-washing) rather than shaving cream. It’s inexpensive, effective and can serve more than one purpose!

• Pain: 8
• Cost: Can be pricey depending on the area being waxed.
• Quality/ Results: 10. Super smooth and long lasting results. Waxing can be expensive but the results last longer than shaving. It is a painful process, but unlike epilating, the pain is more numbing than consistent.

A handheld machine made up of 21- 72 spinning tweezers (depending on the epilator you buy) that extracts your hair out from the root resulting in longer lasting, smooth arms, legs and under arms. (I personally would not recommend using this on your bikini area prior to firstly waxing).

• Pain: 10
• Cost: Your own personal epilator (of good quality) ranges from $20- $100+  *should last you a fairly long time. (I’ve had mine for about 2 years now).
• Quality/ Results: 9. Super smooth and long lasting. This is a cheaper alternative to waxing. You will get almost identical results to waxing, but WARNING … for those of you who are sensitive to pain, you should probably shy away from this option.

Quick Tip:
Before epilation, exfoliate the area to get rid of oil and dead skin cells. It is also best to epilate after showering. This way, your pores are open making the process less painful.
